EMG stance for electromyography. There are 2 parts in this examination:
In the first part the nerve conduction of greater nerves in arms and legs is checked. We check:
- Motory nerves: those control the muscles
- Sensory nerves: those make us sense touch, pain, …;
To check these nerves , a stimulator excites the nerves by small electrical shocks.
Meanwhile, the nerve response is registered.
By measuring the distance between the site of stimulation and the site of registration, the computer calculates the nerve conduction velocity.
In the second part the activity in muscles is checked (‘needle’ emg), by inserting a small needle into the muscle.
This needle registers the electrical activity in a muscle fibre. The computer transfers this activity into auditory and visual signals. Muscles are checked in a resting state and while contracting.
The EMG is used to check for nerve damage in case of :
- Radiating neck and lower back pain
- Compression of nerves
- Polyneuropathy (‘tingling in feet and toes’)
Or to check for muscle diseases.