The diagnosis of insomnia is based on the sleep history and sleep diary. Insomnia can be temporarily treated with medicines. For a long term treatment relaxation techniques (physiotherapy) and/or behavioural therapy (psychologist) are necessary.

In case of excessive day time sleepiness, a polysomnography is scheduled. During this examination, the patient sleeps one night in the hospital and breathing, heart rhythm, oxygen levels, snoring sounds, limb  movements and sleep patterns are recorded. A polysomnography helps to detect obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome or snoring. The treatment of these disorders is joined by neurologist, pneumologist and ENT-specialists.

Also periodic limb movements of sleep (sometimes combined with restless legs syndrome) can be detected.

Mostly medicines are prescribed to treat excessive sleepiness or sleep attacks, eg in case of narcolepsy. Also disturbances of the bio rhythm , due to jetlag or night shifts, can be dealt with.

Parasomnia’s such as sleepwalking, rhythmic movements or bruxism, sometimes only require explanation and a correct sleep hygiene

Among all neurologist, Dr. Annick Verstappen mainly deals with sleep disorders. The polysomnographies are planned with support of the department of pneumology.

Dr. Verstappen has a special interest in sleep disorders.